Dog Life Jacket: Dog Blog

Dog Life Jacket

Layla’s Dog Blog

Why to choose the right Dog Life Jacket?

Doggy Layla says: Hello! I am “doggy Layla” your  four-pawed friend talking to you.

Dog Jacket

I would like to give you some suggestions when you take my doggy-colleagues on a water-trip. Please pay attention in order to keep my little buddies safe 🙂

Although some dog breeds have the ability to be good natural swimmers, others breeds are less suited to the water. Anyways, if you are planning to go swimming in the beach, swimming pool or any other natural water-place, you need to take care of your dog, therefore a dog life jacket is a wise investment. Even good swimmers might have certain swimming difficulties like getting tired or struggle floating, for this reason you should know which aspects must be considered when purchasing a life jacket for your lovely dog.

Firstly, if you are planning to take your dog into a boat, a good floating jacket is required.

To help my dog-buddy to stay safe in the water, I have the following recommendations to select the right life jacket.


Ring: My friend’s life jacket or vest should have a ring that helps you to insert a leash.

Handle: It will make easier for you to grab hold of your dog if necessary, likewise, it also makes it easier to teach your dog to swim. You can hold him in the water until he feels more confident to swim by himself.

What’s the difference between a “Life Jacket and a Life Vest”?

Dog Life Jackets

Undoubtedly, they cover more of your dog’s body and gives buoyancy and visibility. These are recommended when you take my buddy on a boat and some other water-activities.

Dog Life Vests

On the other hand, Dog Life Vests are more suitable for swimming pools because it is lighter for us although vests cover less of our bodies, however these 2 features let us swim easier.


There are plenty of designs manufactured for us, however for our security it is better to wear bright colors or life jackets/vests with a reflective strip, which will make it easier for you to see us in the water. For this reason, it is important that you pay attention to this issue.

In summary, I can tell you that you should keep in mind handles, buoyancy and visibility.

Keeping these suggestions in mind, please choose one of the options that we are offering in this amazing online store “AllStoreForU” made specially for us, the puppies 🙂 In this store you can find dog Supplies, clothes & stuff like dog bed, dog house, dog jacket, dog sweater, dog coat, dog vest, dog grooming, dog feeding, dog crate, dog kennel, dog carrier and much more.

Good luck my human friend and have a good purchasing experience selecting from our vast options of dog supplies offered in this site.

Good luck and keep your doggy safe please!

Thank you so much for taking care of your dog and for your time reading me 🙂

See you in my next blog!

Love you,
Doggy Layla

NOTE: If you want me to tell you about a specific topic please write it in the comments and I will include that topic on my blog.

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