Luminous Dog Ball Toy, soft and elastic dog toy. Buy Now!
Luminous Dog Ball Toy 🤩 Get now this chewing elastic rubber luminous fun fun dog ball. Your dog will love it ❤️. Purchase Now! 🛒 Many cute dog supplies. In this section you can find specifications of the product of interest such as measurements, colors, materials, prices and images that will help you get to know the product closely. At the end of the text you will find “Layla’s Dog Blog” where she tells you the importance of acquiring certain dog products for their care and entertainment. Likewise, Layla’s photo / video is added so that you know her and can access her blog.
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Luminous Dog Ball Toy Specifications:
S: diameter about 6.5cm / 2.56in
L: diameter about 7.5cm / 2.95in
Material: rubber
Ultra-flexible! It can be used to make the atmosphere active, excluding boredom and irritability. It is also a good choice for pets to interact with their owner, making them closer
Description Luminous Dog Ball Toy:
High elasticity, good chew-resistant performance, luminous.
There may be some color difference due to different lights
Package content
1pcs dog toy
Photo Showing Luminous Dog Ball Toy
Hello! I am “doggy Layla“, your four-pawed friend talking to you. Here I share my photo with you where I am playing with my dog ball.

Layla’s Dog Blog
This time I would like to give you some tips when buying a “dog toy” for your pet.
Firstly, Why do we need a Dog Toy?
a) Bonding
As you know, we love to be with humans. We like that our owners pay attention to us and give us time going for a walk, play and pet.
For this reason, playing with us with different toys we will get a high level of bonding with you and you will make us very very happy.
Besides, if you have more dogs, toys might help us to bond, have fun, be happy and become little-friends 🙂
b) Exercise our body and jaw
As well as humans, doggies also need to be healthy, so, exercise is the most important for us too. Running trying to catch our toys is really healthy for us. Each time that you throw any toy you dare us to catch it in the air or go and look for it, as a result, we run and jump keeping us active which prevent us from being obese and ill. Furthermore, you and me get fun playing together 🙂
c) Dental Health
As humans are quite busy, you can not be brushing our teeth each time that we eat or bite something, for this reason, toys that provide dental health improvement and cleaning are a good invest.
There are toys that help to encourage chewing, which stimulates saliva and diminishes plaque and tartar, as a result they prevent us from teeth infections.
d) Intellectual Stimulation
As you know, intellectual stimulation can keep us distractive because we are intrigued with our toy and all our attention is on it in order to get what we want. Additionally, intellectual stimulation also helps puppies to be trained, consequently we don’t destroy your stuff, we learn to be obedient and easy going. Moreover, after playing we spent so much energy and then we can relax better.
What type of toys should be purchased for us?
As a dog, I can tell you that it’s important to understand the benefits of each toy.
Toys can be helpful to exercise us or train us intellectually because they stimulate us when we interact with them.
Additionally, when we play with humans, we create and we strengthen our ties with our owners.
It is crucial that you often check our toys in order to see if they are still safe for us and in good conditions.
Moreover, materials are important in order to avoid any damage to us. There are certain harmful components that are dangerous for us, therefore please read that packaging instructions and elements they have.
1. Teething Toys
Unfortunately for humans, we “dogs” tend to be destructive and chew shoes, socks. furnitures and much more 🙁 so, a good solution for you would be to provide us with teething-chew-toys that could avoid us to destroy your personal things. At the same time that this type of toys will be fun for us, it helps us to clean our beautiful teeth controlling tartar and plaque buildop. These toys usually are non-toxic cotton and rubber and there is a vast options like ropes, balls, chewing toys, plush, stuffed and squeaky toys. Please don’t forget to read the pack in order to see if the toy is non-toxic.
2. Dog Plush Toy
This toy can help like a training aid because we spent our time chewing it and you can throw it for us and we will try to catch it in the air. While we do this, barking and whining can be avoided It can be fun and we spent hours enjoying it. Additionally, these toys might help us to relax and reduce anxiety. Some toys produce noises that draw our attention and the good news for you is that you can wash them whenever you consider it is already very dirty.
3. Dog Ball – Rubber
It helps us to be active running behind the ball trying to catch it when humans throw them. It stimulates exercise and fun at the same time because due to its material it has high-bounce and buoyant. Moreover, it is easy to clean and there are different sizes which give you the opportunity to choose the right ball for your doggy.
4. Dog Rubber Chewing Toy – Kong
It is also a good option for us because it is fun due to its bouncing and at the same time it helps us to exercise our jaws. Likewise, humans can fill it with croquettes or little cookies (any training treat) and we have to find the way to take them out from the toy. That is really so much fun for us. We enjoy it a lot!
5. Dog Flyer Toy – Frisbee
It is usually rubber made which is strong, so it lasts so much time. Although it is strong it is also flexible and pretty safe for us.
6. Knot Rope Tug
This toy is amazing for us because we can play tug of war, fetch and chew it. It comes in different sizes, so any dog can get what suits it better. With it’s fibers our teeth are clean as well.
7. Dog chewing toy:
Beef/Chicken/Bacon Flavored Chew Toy
It is delicious for us because it has real bacon flavor
8. IQ Ball – Dry Treats
This ball is really amazing for us because we can interact with a toy which keeps our delicious treats, cookies or kibbles. We play with it and at the same time we make an effort to get the treats inside. It’s so much fun. Humans can dare us and intrigue us by changing the level of difficulty to obtain our treats hehe 🙂
Hard plastic toy kinda loud but if you don’t want us to make any noise, you can get a mat for us and we will play in silence.
9. Intellectual Stimulation Toys
These toys are a challenge for us, therefore they help us to stimulate our brain. Some toys that might help are puzzles, dispensers, catching toys, sticky toys and obstacle games.
Now that you know why we need toys, the benefits and the different type of toys that exist, you can choose the right one for your dog.
Keeping these suggestions in mind, please choose one of the options that we are offering in this amazing online store “AllStoreForU” made specially for us, the puppies 🐶
In this store you can find dog Supplies, clothes & stuff like dog bed, dog house, dog jacket, dog sweater, dog coat, dog vest, dog grooming, dog feeding, dog crate, dog kennel, dog carrier and much more.
Good luck and keep your doggy safe please!
Thank you so much for taking care of your dog and for your time reading me 🙂
See you in my next blog!
Love you,
Doggy Layla
Шёл больше 2 месяцев и не светится
Мяч очень маленький. Доставка ооооочень долгая. Заказала 11.11, получила 29.01
Наконец-то мы получили заказ- шёл больше 2,5 месяцев, продавец продлевал страховку. Мячик нам достался синий, размер как раз для маленьких собачек, так что наш Йорк в полном восторге
Не работает. Светилось 2-3 раза. Бесполезная игрушка. Пищалка вываливается, подсветка не работает. Кот не обращает внимания на это.
Все хорошо , нашей девочке йорку очень понравился мяч. Она в восторге.
My cats don't squeal, In addition, it takes a pressure fault to trigger the light.
Товар не пришел
Заказ не получил. Спор в пользу продавца. Не заказывайте у этого продавца! Деньги на ветер!
Долго шла посылка
Шел очень долго! Через 15 минут перестал светиться!!!!!!!!
прикольно светится бросила мяч и он засветился. правда доставка нереально долгая. заказала еще в начале лета
Посылка шла долго....Хороший мячик, при падении светится....пока щенок его обследует....игрушкой довольна....
Хороший мяч , размер L около 7 см , в меру мягкий , доставка около 1,5 месяцев . Цвет рандомный , продавец положил оранжевый. Пищит, мигает разными цветами . Собаке породы джек Рассел понравился, играет) имеется небольшой запах, надеюсь выветрится скоро . Продавец надёжный , рекомендую к покупке. Стоимость составила 104 рубля
우리집 강아지가 미쳤어요...역대급반응. 근데 너무너무너무 시끄러워요 ㅠㅠ 소리가 엄청커요 살짝만 물어도....그리고 불 안남. 너무 좋아하는데 너무 시끄러움
Отличный мяч! На достался синий. Мяч достаточно мягкий, пищит и светится - хороший подарок собаке на новый год
Not as on photos
Bardzo długa przesyłka , bardzo ... ale wina PL
Petite balle mignonne comme sur la photo...livraison lente...
Щенок той терьера в восторге. Большим песелям на один зуб.
One of the balls did not light up at all. The mechanism inside the ball was faulty.
received orange when i wanted it blue . first time playing with it broke
Я очень довольна. А собака - еще больше. Игрушка мягкая, с пищалкой. Долго думала - как она светится? Оказывается - внутри есть сфера со светодиодами, которые зажигаются от удара, и горят секунд 40. В темноте играть очень удобно. Не знаю, как долго сможет играть собака с острыми зубами,а собаке с мягким прикусом (у меня золотистый ретривер) - самое оно! Ну и не знаю, насколько хватит батарейки у светодиодов. Однако буду заказывать еще.
Мяч хорошего качества, мягкий, без посторонних запахов, светится. Спасибо продавцу, собакен доволен
trop d'attente pour l'expédition je ne recommanderais jamais à ce vendeur